Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Marvelous Medicine Anyone?

Reading Response Question for the Week of May 31-June 3
We have been enjoying George’s Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl in class. Think about the reading strategies you have been using while we have been reading. Are you visualizing? Have you been making inferences about the characters? Are you asking questions? Is there anything we’ve read that is confusing and you need to have clarified? Are you making connections with this book? Select ONE of the reading strategies and talk about how you have used it while we have been reading.


  1. This book really reminds me of other books written by Roald Dahl. For example, in Matilda, the main character is a small girl who is at the mercy of two very awful parents and one scary headmistress (principal). She comes up with a mischievous plan to get back at the nasty grownups. George reminds me of Matilda because he is in a similar situation with his grouchy grandmother. Roald Dahl does a great job making these foul characters easy to despise!

  2. I am able to make a connection. Cinderella had to deal with her mean stepmother. Her stepmother was always yelling at her and bossing her around. She was very grouchy. Just like George's grandmother.

  3. The book really reminds me of the BFG.When the witching hour comes and the large old man captures the little girl .I think Roald Dahl does a great job describing these foul charcters.

  4. I have been visualizing.Using this stratedgy I visualized all the marvelous colors in the medecine,the grandma growing out of the rooftop,all the animal pills floating to the top of the pot,and you can't forget giant grandma riding the enormous pony (It's pretty obvious I would pick that!)By using this sratedgy since there is not pictures on evrey page it helps me think of pictures that could go on.That is the stratedgy I used.

  5. I have been having questions about books. When I have been reading books, I had a lot of questions like will grandma explode? What colors are in the pot of nasty medicine? Last but not least, why did he pour the whole bottle in the pot and not just a couple of drops? That is the strategy I used for the book George's Marvelous Medicine.

  6. I have been using connections with this book because when I was little I would go to my grandmas house during the summer, and whenever I saw ants I would dump chemimicals on them. In the book, George has a horrible grandmother, and he takes chemicals and dumps them into a pot to make them look like a medicine she takes.

  7. I have mostly visualized on this marvelous book like when George did a poem on what he put in his Grandmother's "medicine". Like the Scarlet nail polish, and the toothpaste. Come to think of it, George's marvelous medicine might be my favorite book. I love how Roald Dahl explains his sentences and makes up his kooky names!!! (: <3

  8. I use many stratedgies but the one I use the most is asking questions.Like in Georges Marvelous Medicine.When his grandma grows through the roof
    I thougt she was going to the sky.

  9. The strategy I am using is "making a connection". When I read this book, it reminds me of my Mercy Watson books. In those books, the neighbor does not like the pig Mercy, and is always trying to get rid of her. In this book, George has a mean grandmother who is foul, cruel and bossy to him.

  10. I have been visualizing what the medicine looks like. I see a pot filled with brown goo and she drinks it and gets all big. I visualized the fire in her stomach. I visualized the little kid with hhis eyes all big and how his face looks surprised when the medicine works. This strategy helps me see things that aren't pictured in the book.

  11. I have been visualizing.What I have been visualizing is the grandma getting bigger and bigger,her drinking the medicine and all the crazy stuff happening to her.Also the chicken getting bigger and bigger and the crazy stuff happening to the chicken.Then the Mom and Dad shocked when they get home and the Dad wanting George to make more of the medicine.Last but not least George making the medicine and putting all the stuff in and seeing what it looks like.Those are the parts I visualized.

  12. I used visualizing a lot because you could really see when he was putting in all the different stuff in the medicine and when the grandma was growing through the roof.

  13. I used questions. When George was getting all the stuff to put into his medicine bowl, I was
    wondering what his parents would think when they came back and saw all of that gone. I also
    wondered what would haven when the grandmother drinks the medicine that George made.

  14. I used questioning to see what George was putting in the medicine. I'am also suprised because the medicine did not kill his grandma.

  15. When reading George’s Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl in class, I visualized grandmom always being cranky. She looks old, mean, and angry all the time. When George was mixing the medicine, I see a big pot with brown goo bubbling.

  16. Visualizing is my favorite strategy. I am visualizing that George is giving Grandma all of this medicine to make her grow.

  17. Alexus,

    I could visualize this story because of the medicine. Also I could visualize the Grandmother going through the roof that was so funny.

  18. Adam said...

    I have a question about the third dose of medicine. I wonder if they will ever figure out what was missing from the medicine pot.

  19. The strategy I have been using is visualizing. In the book called "George's Wonderful Medicine" I use visualizing to see what is going on throughout the story. What I could see is Geoge, the main character, putting a lot of different things into a large stew pot to trick his mean grandma. George tries to trick his grandma into taking his nasty looking medicine as her own medicine. That is how I have used visualizing in this story.

  20. I have been visulizinsing. becusa you can relly see him putting all the objects in the bowl and the animals growing and grandma going though the roof


  21. I have been visualizeing.I loved visualizeing grandma growing through the roof because she drank so much of the medicine. But the best was when George tried the medicine on a chicken and smoke came out of the chicken's beak. So George threw water on the chicken to make it stop and that made the chicken grow! That made a really funny picture in my head. That was my favorite strategy to use.

  22. I used visualizing because you can see George putting in the medicines and other stuff so his Grandma gets some payback.

  23. Clayton Johnson :)June 2, 2011 at 9:08 PM

    I visualized a lot because Roald Dahl does a great job describing characters, and using details to help the reader paint a picture in their minds.

  24. The strategy I use the most is visualizing. In this story I visualize things like the pills and George giving the medicine to grandma. Another thing I visualize is when grandma got bigger and bigger. When I visualize it helps me remember more about what I read.

  25. I used visualizing while reading George's Marvelous Medicine. I could visualize George finding the different kinds of medicine like shoe polish, chicken pills, goat pills and putting them all in one huge pot. Then I visualize Grandma going zing all over the place and then growing so big she went through all the floors in the house and finally out of the roof.

  26. i have have been making connotations to my life for a example my brother all ways boos is me around and if i don't do want wanted me to do he will get mad at me and some times he will yell at me. This reminds ma of the grandma being mean to the kid.

  27. I've been visualizing. When I've been visualizing I've been seeing him dump all this stuff in the medicine randomly, while his grandmother grows and grows and grows, busting out of the house. I've visualized him and his dad going shopping and his dad had a ginormous grin on his face but George was more uncertain.

  28. I visulized that when George was putting the suff like the chicken pills and goat pill,fel powder,shoe polish,face cream,red lipstick,and all kind of suff.
