Monday, December 13, 2010

Family Reading Traditions

Reading Response Question for the Week of December 13- 17

This time of year is full of traditions for many families. Some of these traditions may even include reading! Some families might read a favorite story; some families may pull out favorite recipes to make; some families may spend many hours looking at instruction manuals for all of the new toys! There are tons of activities which involve reading! What kind of reading traditions does your family have? Ask your family for help and then let us in on your family reading traditions!


  1. My all-time favorite reading tradition this time of year would have to be reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. It is one of my favorite books! I started reading this book as a child, and now read it to my own kids! We snuggle up on the couch with just our tree lights on and enjoy the book as a family. I just love the way Dr. Seuss writes!

  2. Are family tradition for the past four years is reading The Polar Express.It is one of our favorite books to read on Christmas Eve.It is also one of are favorite movies to watch on Christmas.

  3. We have 2 traditions at my house. We always bake some type of cookie which involves reading a recipe. Then we have to hide the cookies from my dad. My mom has a big book called Treasure of Christmas Tales. Our family always reads The Little Match Girl and The Magic Toy Shop. Those are our favorite stories. Each night one of us gets to choose which story to read.

  4. My two favorite Christmas books are The Stories of Santa & The Night Before Christmas.I've read The Night Before Christmas sense I was a baby and now my little sister reads the book too!!

  5. My favorite reading tradition this time of year would be looking at recipes for Christmas cookies. Because my family loves to cook cookies. I love to bake cookies with my family!

  6. My favorite Christmas book is "The Night Before Christmas." It's my favorite Christmas book because mom, dad, my broher(Cameron), and I all snuggle on the couch. We have hot cocoa with Christmas tree and star marshmallows(of course) and my mom reads the book to us. We have sugar cookies,look at the tree and our stockings, and snuggle up in bed till Christmas morning.

  7. I read the Polar Express every Christmas because it reminds me of a happy time. I have been reading it with my family since I was a little boy. I like the part when they finally make it to the North Pole and Santa hands out the first bell.

    At Thanksgiving we write about what we are thankful for for each person at the table. Every person reads their card that tells them why we are thankful for them. My brother and I help write the cards and everyone likes to hear them read during Thanksgiving dinner.

  8. Every year my family reads a chapter book together. This year, we are reading the book Kringle, which explains how Santa became who he is. We also sit together and drink hot apple cider by the tree with the lights on. Sometimes we read magazines together. Other times we just listen to Christmas Music. Merry Christmas Everyone!

  9. My 2nd all-time favorite reading tradition is when I go Christmas caraling with my church,and we read the script for the Christmas music we sing.We always are bundled up like someone was sick. We go all over town to sing and give cookies.

  10. My favorite reading traditon is makeing cookies and buying presants and rapping presants and have familes come and we decorate the tree we also decorate inside and outside we put christmas collers with bells on my dogs. We have alot of fun at my house at Christmas

  11. After Thanksgiving a reading tradition is for me to read sales papers to see if there is anything I want to add to my Christmas list. Another is reading recipes and baking cookies for everyone.

  12. I like to read The Grinch that Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. I like to compare it to the movie with Jim Carey. It has some things that are the same and some things that are different. I like both of them, but laugh more when Jim Carey dances. Dr. Suess wrote a great story about the meaning of Christmas. Jim Carey made it funny and silly. We also watch the Polar Express. I love this movie best of all. It reminds me to believe in Santa. If you believe Santa will come. If you don't you will have to wait until Christmas morning to find out if Santa brought you a gift. Everyone should believe in Santa. Santa is the magic part of Christmas.

  13. On Christmas Eve my mom always reads The Night Before Christmas before we go to bed. We always read over the recipes for the cookies that we are going to bake for friends. Me and my sister like to deliver them to our neighbors. I also write and read over my Christmas list and mail it to the North Pole. Merry Christmas everyone!

  14. At my house we have a collection of Christmas books that we take out before Christmas. We have been getting them since I was a toddler. When my Grandma comes, we read a book each night. One of our favoirte books is "The Twelve Bugs of Christmas". It's like "The Twelve Days of Christmas", but with bugs instead. Another tradition we have is using our Advent Calendar to count down the day before Christmas. This year my Mom and Dad gave me a Lego Advent Calendar! Everyday, I come home and open a window and make a new lego creation! I love spending Christmas with my family!

  15. We read "The Night Before Christmas" at my Grandmas house in Colorado. We usually take turns reading it. It's going to be my turn this year and I'm not looking forward to it. First it was Grampa Hans, then it was my uncle Pete, then it was my cousin Cole and they all retired so now it's going to be me. I really like the book but I don't think I'll like reading it this year.

  16. My family, as a tradition, reads The Polar Express every Christmas Eve. I love the book because the illustrations are very realistic. My favorite part in the book is when the train drives over the ice to get to the North Pole. We also read The Christmas Story, about the birth of Jesus. These are some of the books that we read on Christmas.

  17. Every Christmas, my mom and dad would read me my favorite Christmas story which is, The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve. After reading the story, we would talk about if I was a good boy this year, and if Santa would leave me something under our Christmas tree. My parent would leave me guessing every year.

  18. Our famly reads the recipes for the Cramberry Pineapple Jellaten.We also like to read Chistmas cards from people we know.We read the instracshens for the Legos I get.

  19. During the Christmas season my family reads Christmas cards we receive from our friends and family. Also, my mom, Nicole and me make cookies together. We read the recipe to remember how to make the cookies.

  20. I am planing on reading the Polar Express and watching it and I am also planing on watching Santa Clause 3 (It has Tim Allen in it).On Christmas Eve me and my sister Kendra get to open one present.We also get to eat spaghetti with meatballs on Christmas Eve(our family does that every year for dinner).

  21. Every Christmas Eve we read "The Night Before Christmas." We leave Santa a letter and he writes us a letter back, which we read on Christmas morning. This year we started a new tradition and we got the book The Elf On The Shelf. The book comes with an elf who each morning we have to find as he moves to a different location in our house every night.
