Welcome Back, Third Grade Families!!!
These hallways have been very quiet without the sounds of your voices! We have missed you so very much and we were thrilled to meet some of you last night at Open House. We know that many of you could not make it, so we invite you to view our Open House Power Point. Travel to the Creeds Website (www.creedses.vbschools.com), Click on the Parents link, Click on Helpful Links, and then click on Open House Presentation. Thanks to all the families that were able to come out. We enjoyed meeting all of you!
Thank you again to the families who brought school supplies to the classroom on Open House night. For those of you who were unable to do so, no problem! Please make sure to send in the following supplies on Tuesday:
Bookbag/Backpack-no wheels
#2 Pencils-SHARPENED
2 Wide ruled -composition notebook
1 Plastic folder w/prongs/pockets
2 Fiskars scissors
4 Large glue sticks
8 Dry erase markers-low odor dark colors
1 Large pink eraser
1 Crayons (24 count)
2 Tissue boxes
1 hand sanitizer
2 One inch binders
1 set 5 Tab dividers
1 Zippered pencil pouch
1 Box Ziploc Bags
2 pkgs. Wide ruled notebook paper
We have been hard at work planning exciting activities for the children. We know the children will love the three way switch. We will meet as a grade team (all of us together) the first day of school to talk about our expectations, school rules, and play a REALLY FUN GAME!!! We have a lot to learn this year, but our focus is to have fun and enjoy the process of learning!
Students will be writing their homework in their planner starting on the first day. They will not have Word Study homework until Week 2. They will have Math homework the first week. Mrs. Hardin will also be assigning a small, fun Math project due on September 10th called "Numbers About Me".
The grading scale is NEW this year. It is as follows:
93-100 A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+
64-66 D
Below 64 E
It is important to note that an A- on a report card does not qualify for Principal's List and a C- does not qualify for Honor Roll.
We hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Labor Day weekend. We look forward to a FABULOUS year with the children.
If there are ANY questions or concerns that are still out there, please do not hesitate to email us!
The Third Grade Teachers